The Testing Fire- Reflections on Proverbs 17

What’s inside of us will always come out… It will be displayed in our words, our actions, even the way we present ourselves to others — our body language.

We were meant to display or bear the image of God. When we come to God and allow Him to pour Himself into us, His image of peace, joy, and love will reflect everywhere we go. But if we are full of sin and selfishness that image of death, darkness, and destruction will be reflected everywhere we go as well.

God’s desire is for our lives to reflect Him. This is why He tests our hearts.

”The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart.“ Proverbs 17:3 NIV

Things we go through can be unpleasant at times. Sometimes they are downright hard, but God does not waste anything in our lives. He uses our circumstances to purify us as silver is purified. The heat will remove the impurities so the silversmith can see his reflection in the silver. Our reactions to our circumstances are opportunities to have what is not of God, sin, repented of and cleansed from us so we can display the image of our Divine Silversmith, God. His image reflected in us is always for our good. Because He alone is goodness!

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