Polluted— Reflections on Proverbs 25

We had an above ground pool when the kids were younger. I worked and worked at keeping that pool clean. The right balance of chemicals and diligent maintenance was required. The waters in my pool often looked less than desirable as I was trying to figure out that balance, murky waters, bugs not getting skimmed off, slime on the sides… It was a constant battle. Every once in awhile I would find the pool looking good until the kids got in and kicked up the dirt I didn’t get completely vacuumed off the bottom. Murky again… the battle went on.

Today’s Proverb has a verse that reminded me of that pool we had years ago.

”Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.“Proverbs 25:26 NIV

Our lives are meant to be lived in righteousness. God created us to be in His image, righteous and holy. When we live our lives set apart to Him, observing and obeying what He commands in His Word, our lives are beautiful! They are filled with joy, peace, and contentment.

BUT, when we “give way” to sin. Our lives become like a “muddied spring or a polluted well.” Or like my old above ground pool when the PH balance was off, the bottom wasn’t being vacuumed off, and the skimmer bucket wasn’t working…slimy, green, NASTY! Our lives are unable to be enjoyed.

The entire book of Proverbs has much to say about living a righteous life and warnings against unrighteousness. This is because it pollutes our hearts, and if left unattended to by prayer, time in the Word, and repentance from sin, our waters of our heart will be destroyed…NASTY too!

How we live out lives matters! Don’t let the wicked ways of the world pollute you!

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