Steadfast – In the Face of Giants (Written for WOW)

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV

My youngest son, Andy, played tackle football when he was in the sixth grade. He played an offensive position of defending the quarterback. At one of his first games, he walked out onto the field and came face to face with what seemed to be a giant-sized sixth grade boy. This player was about a foot taller and a foot wider than Andy. He made my son look small. In fact, after seeing the player from the bleachers, I thought, “That kid is going to squash my baby!” However, when the play began, Andy gave himself fully to playing his position. He braced himself and pushed back against the force of that player. He was unwavering and immovable. He did not allow anyone to touch the quarterback he was guarding. Much to my amazement and relief, Andy stood firm in his purpose of keeping the player from advancing, and his team won! 

The focus word of our WOW verses this month is steadfast. The definition of steadfast is to have firmness of mind or purpose, to be constant in pursuing a purpose, unwavering, fixed, and steady. In our verse this week, Paul instructs believers to “stand firm” and “let nothing move you.” Our enemies – the flesh, the world, and the devil – are ruthless giants constantly coming against us to move us away from our relationship of oneness with God. They work relentlessly to get us to waver in our thoughts and purpose, to lose our sure footing in truth and righteousness, and fall into sin. Their aim and goal is to “squash” us with death, darkness, and destruction! 

Just like Andy, we need to remain fixed and immovable against what many times appears to be a bigger foe. We must remain steadfast against our spiritual enemies who want to take us down. To remain steadfast, we must know God and maintain the relationship of oneness with Him. We must know the Word of God and allow its truth to penetrate our minds and hearts so that when a lie comes in, we detect it immediately and stand firmly against it. We must be constant in pursuing communication with God. We must pray “at all times and on every occasion” (Ephesians 6:18).  And we must suit up!  As Andy put on his helmet and pads, we, too, must put on our spiritual armor and take our “stand against the devil’s schemes.” We must not let our enemies move us from trusting in God and giving ourselves “fully to the work of the Lord” being fully assured that our “labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 

Do you find yourself standing toe to toe with a giant? Has your enemy come to you using his playbook of schemes and temptations that include unbelief, selfishness, worry, fear, anxiety, and/or anger? The enemy of your soul wants to render you useless in the work of the Lord. If he can accomplish this, he knows that you will never be and do what God created you to be and do – be His image bearer and go forth into the world and make Him known. The Word of God says, “let nothing move you” from the work God created in advance for you to do in Christ Jesus.  It requires a steadfast spirit!  

This week’s song is “In Christ Alone” by Passion Kristian Stanfill.  May the lyrics be a reminder to stand steadfastly with our faith in Jesus and His Word alone!  He alone is our victory! 


Janet Nelson, Devoted and Determined

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