Strong, Firm, and Steadfast — Devotion for WOW Ministry

““And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” 

1 Peter 5:10 NIV 

“You have an enemy, and he is real.” These are words I remember hearing when I first attended WOW three years ago. I arrived at WOW after years of not standing firm in the faith. In fact, half-hearted and wavering are the words that described me well at that time. As the teaching continued, I heard these words — “determined and steadfast.” As I thought about those words, I suddenly knew what I needed. I needed to trust in God, the God who by His grace had called me to “his eternal glory in Christ,” the God who loved me, the God who would “restore” me, and make me “strong, firm and steadfast.”

This month our verses at WOW have been focused on the word “steadfast.” To be steadfast is to have firmness of mind or purpose, to be constant in pursuing a purpose unwavering, fixed, and steady. Our verse this week is a very precious promise that follows a very serious warning. It is the same warning I received three years ago at WOW — “You have an enemy, and he is real.” 

In 1 Peter 5:8 Peter describes the enemy as a “roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  That enemy is real! That enemy is powerful, very cunning, and deceptive. He wants us to believe that we cannot be strong, firm, and steadfast. He wants to persuade us to be disengaged and unbelieving. If he can get us to give up or walk in fear when we undergo trials and suffering, he knows he will be able to keep us separated from our God and destroy our relationship of oneness with Him. ‬‬This is why believers are commanded to be steadfast and to “resist him (the enemy), standing firm in the faith” (1 Peter 5:9). ‬‬‬ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Our verse this week assures us that we do not have to stand against this devouring enemy in our own strength. Our “God of all grace” who has called us to live as one with Him assures us that after we “have suffered a little while,” He will “restore” us and make us “strong, firm, and steadfast.”  What is our role? Our role is to believe in Him and remain firmly attached to Him. We are to trust Him entirely, totally, and completely. As we do so, God’s power at work within us will enable us to remain “strong, firm and steadfast.”

I have experienced this truth. Three years ago, I came to God knowing that I needed Him to change my heart from fearful, anxious, and wavering to one that was “strong, firm and steadfast,” full of faith. As I have submitted to Him in the midst of suffering, trials, and temptations, He has been faithful to bring His precious promise to reality in my life.

Have you found yourself where I was three years ago, tormented, fearful, and anxious during the trials of life? God says come and believe in Me. As we submit our hearts to Him and believe in Him, He promises to “restore” us and make us “strong, firm, and steadfast.” Will you come? Will you trust in Him with all your heart? Our song this week is “Firm Foundation” by Cody Carnes. Our God desires to make you a woman who is strong, firm, and steadfast in faith.


Janet Nelson, Devoted and Determined

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