Danger!! Keep Away!! – Reflections on Proverbs 5

Danger!! Warning!! Do Not Enter!! These road signs are put up for a reason. They are for the good of the individual driver, the passengers in their car, and everyone they pass by as the traverse from point A to point B.

Today’s chapter is a spiritual warning sign that Solomon posted for his son. “Keep Away From the Adulterous Woman!!” His advise makes perfect sense. Unfaithfulness in marriage wreaks all kinds of havoc in the lives of people: bitterness, death, aimless wandering, loss of honor and dignity are some of the listed consequences of today’s chapter.

However, there is a form of adultery that is not between a husband and wife. It is when we, as followers and lovers of God, choose to love something or someone more than God Himself. It is when we abandon the path of following God and His ways to follow another. It is spiritual adultery. Unfaithfulness to God is a path of destruction. The words of this Proverb declare this warning to us!

”For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths. The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast. For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly.“

Proverbs 5:21-23 NIV

God sees our hearts. Our “ways are in full view of the Lord.” He wants our complete devotion to Him. This is all because He loves us and wants what is best for us.

Anything less than living a life of faithfulness to God and obedience to His Word is a life of spiritual adultery, sin. Sin wraps us in chains. Sin leads us astray from the path of life. Sin brings death into our lives.

God is declaring to us “Danger!! Keep Away!!” He wants for us to live free from the captivity of sin. He wants us to have lives of abundance in Him!

The Fear of the Lord – Reflections on Proverbs 1

Success… we all desire to have it.

King Solomon was the most successful King of the Bible. He amassed wealth and had great wisdom. God gave these to him because he had a heart that desired wisdom above all. Proverbs is a book full of wisdom that Solomon wrote about. The principles within are principles of success.

Solomon begins his book of Proverbs with the key ingredient to a successful life, “the fear of the Lord.”

The fear of the Lord is defined as a reverential awe of God that springs from a just view and genuine love for Him. The fear of the Lord leads us to hate/ shun evil. It leads us to aim for perfect obedience of God. Solomon writes:

”The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.“

Proverbs 1:7 NIV

When we see God rightly, (He is all powerful, all knowing, always present. He is Holy. He is just…) we want to love Him and obey Him. When we see God rightly, we want to run from sin.

Proverbs 1 says “fools despise” this wisdom. They “hate knowledge” and they do not “choose to fear the Lord.” (Verse 1:29)

We have started a New Year. Newness always brings about hope for success. The recipe for success is spelled out clearly in Proverbs 1:

CHOOSE TO FEAR THE LORD. See God for who He is. Love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. And Hate Sin —have nothing to do with it. Run from it! Repent of it! Ask God to set you free from it!

Success in the New Year will only come as you choose to Fear the Lord!

The New Life is a Life of Holiness. (Part 1)

We come to Jesus for many reasons: Perhaps we see our life is a wreck and we need Him to save us from our poor choices. Maybe we see the direction of our lives and realize that we are separated from Him, eternally lost, facing an eternity in hell. It is true that Jesus came to extend the invitation promised in John 3:16.

““For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ESV.

We come to Jesus longing for safety from hell, but that safety is not the totality of why Jesus extended the invitation to a relationship with Him. We are to become like Him. The question then remains, what is Jesus like?

He is Holy. He is set apart by His sinlessness, His purity, His perfection.

“but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”” 1 Peter 1:15-16 ESV

Reading these words may seem like an impossibility. It may seem that God has set the bar too high for us to jump. Let me assure you,God’s commands are for our good and for His glory!

Sin is like a cancer to our soul. It eats away and weighs us down with death, darkness, and destruction. God knows that the only way we can truly experience all His goodness and all of His life is for us to be like Him, free of sin!

He wants us to not only experience the assurance of salvation free from fear of punishment and hell. He wants His life to be flowing through us, His holy and pure life, free from the destruction of sin!

We may see this as nothing but impossibility. Because we know how badly we fail time and time again. Here is where the good news comes in.

We know that Salvation that gives us the assurance of eternity with God is free! Jesus paid the price. He did it all! Holiness that makes us more and more like Him, free from sin, is not what we conjure up and work on our own. Jesus works this within us when we give ourselves to Him 💯. He does it all!!

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”Philippians 2:13 NLT

There is more to be said about this. For today I want to encourage you to ask God to show you what all this means in your life.

(To be continued…)