You Alone are Holy — Devotion Written for Women on Wednesday’s Ministry (WOW)

This is the Latest devotion that God has blessed me with. This is truthfully one of my favorite ones. Have you ever stood before God and been amazed of who He really is? Writing this and contemplating this section of scripture has been one of those times for me. ❤️

“…the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb: 

‘Great and marvelous are your deeds,
Lord God Almighty.
Just and true are your ways,
King of the nations.
Who will not fear you, Lord,
and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed.’”

Revelations 15:3-4 NIV

A little over a year ago my husband and I went to Hawaii to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. While we were there, we took a scenic drive to a lookout over the Na Pali Coast. As I approached the lookout, I stood in complete awe. This Missouri girl had never seen or experienced anything like it. The ocean view was breathtaking. The sounds of waves crashing and the sea birds squawking, the smell of the ocean, and the wind blowing against us as we stood perched high upon a cliff overlook, left me speechless. All I could say over and over was, “WOW! WOW! WOW!” I wanted to stand there for as long as I could and take it all in. The vast ocean was intricate and grand at the same time. It was beauty and power combined. It demanded the utmost respect, because if I were to be dropped into the middle of it, I would not survive. Yet, I had the feeling that it was inviting me to come and explore. That moment is marked in my memories for a lifetime.

This month our verses at WOW will be focusing on the word, holy. To be holy is to be perfectly and impeccably pure, immaculate, complete in moral character, sinless, uncompromisingly righteous, and just. Our verses this week tell us that God “alone is holy.”As I have contemplated what this means, I have been left with the same awe that I felt the day I stood on that lookout. God’s holiness is beyond my human ability to comprehend, yet God is inviting me to come and know Him as holy. God’s holiness is intricate, and it is grand. It is beauty and power combined. I am filled with reverential awe of God as I think about it. God cannot be separated from His holiness just as He cannot be separated from His love. It is who He is. God alone is holy. He is absolute perfection. His holiness pervades His entire being and shapes all His attributes. His love is holy love, His goodness is holy goodness, His life is holy life. The more I gaze at His holiness, the more I see Him rightly. The more I see Him rightly, the more I love Him, trust Him, and desire to obey Him.

The verses this week are a “song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb.”They are a song of worship and relationship that expresses the worthiness of our God. Those who sing this song see God rightly, they have experienced the fear of the Lord — a reverential awe of Him. They see God’s “great and marvelous… deeds.” They know God as “just and true” in His ways. They know God alone is holy so the only response to such an awesome God is to simply say “WOW! WOW! WOW!” or as they proclaim in heaven, “HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! is the Lord God Almighty!” over and over again (Revelation 4:8).  

As you read these words, do you feel this sense of amazement and awe as you stand looking at the characteristics of a Holy God? Does it fill your heart with worship as the song in our verses proclaim? God desires for us to experience this very thing. This is where a true relationship with God is formed. When we see Him for who He is, holy, and we understand He has invited us to come and experience His holiness, we will see the only appropriate response to God is: “Yes, Lord! Anything for my Holy God, ‘for you alone are holy.’”May our hearts be marked by the beauty and power of His holiness for the entirety of our lifetime!

Our song this week is “What Do I Know of Holy?” sung by Addison Road. My prayer is that as you meditate on the verses of Scripture above and listen to the song below that you will hunger and thirst to know Him rightly and experience the genuine and reverential awe of our Holy God. To know God is to love God, is to trust God, is to obey God. Amen

Love, Janet Nelson, Devoted and Determined

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A Woman Who Fears the Lord- Reflections on Proverbs 31

”“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.“.       Proverbs 31:29-30 NIV

A wife of Noble character… Who would not want to be a woman that is distinguished and honored? Today’s chapter speaks of the characteristics of that woman: hard working, generous, strong, etc…. It all culminates with the verses above and the phrase, “a woman who fears the Lord.”

To fear the Lord is to see Him rightly and have a reverential awe of Him. This leads us to love Him. When we see Him as He is: holy- impeccably pure and uncompromisingly righteous, just, true, etc., we understand that He is worthy of our complete obedience, complete submission, and complete dependence. We desire to hate or shun sin that will destroy us. We desire to live after God’s ways. The woman who lives desiring to follow God with all of her heart, soul, and mind is to be praised, or in the Hebrew it says “to shine.” A Godly woman will display His glory and beauty everywhere.

When we, as women, put God first in our lives and live our lives filled with His love. His love will naturally flow out of us onto all those around us. We will live our lives with His characteristics flowing out of us. We will be the women that God created us to be. We will reflect His image to everyone around.

True beauty is not found in all the make up and hair products at Ulta or perfectly toned bodies from a gym. True beauty is found in a woman who fears the Lord and lives only for Him and His glory!

Do Not Hide Sin! — Reflections on Proverbs 28

”People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy. Blessed are those who fear to do wrong, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble.“

Proverbs 28:13-14 NLT

Do not hide what is killing you on the inside! Sin destroys. There is no way around that truth. Verse after verse in the book of Proverbs warns of the consequences of sin. It warns of having a heart that is hardened, “stubborn.” That person is “headed for serious trouble.”

We are also warned of acting like you love God but ignoring His Word.

”If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.“ Proverbs 28:9 NIV

There is a remedy for sin, repentance. If we confess and turn from them, we will receive mercy. We are “blessed (happy) are those who fear to do wrong” or have reverential apprehension when the choice to do wrong is before us. In other words, the way to a blessed life it to love God and hate sin!

Love God — pursue Him with all that you are. Hate sin — shun sin, run from it, stay as far away from even the appearance of evil. Repent of it when it rears its ugly head within your heart. Don’t hide sin! Confess and repent! It is for your good!

Don’t be a Fool — Reflections on Proverbs 26

A fool- . “In scripture, fool is often used for a wicked or depraved person; one who acts contrary to sound wisdom in his moral deportment; one who follows his own inclinations, who prefers trifling and temporary pleasures to the service of God and eternal happiness.” (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary)

”The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.“…” Psalms 14:1 NIV

Years ago, as a young college student, I spoke the words of the verse above on campus during my lunch hour. A passerby turned to me and said, “There is no God.” My reply was, “Don’t be a fool.”

Proverbs often warns of being a fool. A fool cannot hear the truth or follow wisdom. Today’s Proverb warns of giving honor to them by listening to their voice or following their advice.

The footnotes in my study Bible say, “A fool remains a fool whether he is answered or not.” A fool only wants to follow self. His wisdom is his own thoughts. His deeds will reflect him. He will repeatedly do what is wrong, sin, no matter the consequences.

Today’s Proverb puts it this way:

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.“ Proverbs 26:11 NIV

The foolish person serves only himself and his sin. Being foolish is a trap. It is a cycle of disappointment, distress, and pain, but there is no desire to come to God and be free. The fool doesn’t believe it worth his while to acknowledge God and follow God’s ways.

As I warned the passerby years ago, I warn you now. Do not be a fool! A fool’s way seems to be right to him, but it only ends in death, darkness, and destruction.

Choose life! Choose Wisdom! Choose God!

Established – Reflections on Proverbs 24

Nelson Family – Established January 2, 1993

Thirty one years ago Rich and I began. Through a formal ceremony and the exchanged of vows God ordained our home. We have worked to build a life together ever since.

Today’s Proverb once again speaks of wisdom:

”By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.“

Proverbs 24:3-4 NIV

Wisdom is the knowledge of the fear of the Lord. It comes from us seeing God for who He is and having a reverence for His greatness. This gives us the desire to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It also gives us the desire to hate sin, not want anything to do with it.

Wisdom is what builds our house— our lives. Understanding, agreeing with, that wisdom establishes them.

Deep within us all we desire to see something firm and fixed within our lives. Something that will look forward to the future with hope that does not waver or be destroyed by life’s storms. Jesus is the wisdom from heaven. He is the firm foundation on which our lives are built and they will not be shaken no matter what storms may come. When we come into agreement with Him and understanding of His Lordship over our lives we are established. When we find Him, our Heavenly Wisdom, we can rest assured of this promise.

“…there is a future for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” (Verse 14)

How is your life established? Is it built on the Rock of Jesus or on the shifting sands of a life built on self? A life built on Jesus is the only one that will stand.

Zealous – Reflections on Proverbs 23

”Let not your heart envy sinners, but continue in the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord all the day long. For surely there is a latter end [a future and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off.“ Proverbs 23:17-18 AMPC

There is reward in obedience to God’s commands. The “thirty sayings of the wise” in Proverbs 22-24 list many of them. But the greatest reward is our hope and expectation, Jesus, will be realized. We will know Him! We will be connected to Him and not be cut off from Him.

There is nothing better than to know Jesus and to be connected to Him or in Him.

“Be zealous for the fear of the Lord,” (Proverbs 23: 17 NIV) or pursue passionately knowing God, loving God, and hating sin (i.e. wanting nothing to do with sin.)

The life of reward spoken about in the verses of Proverbs is the fruit of pursuing Wisdom. Jesus is the very Wisdom we pursue!

Life or Death— Reflections on Proverbs 19

We were created out of divine love, by divine love, and for divine love. God loves us and the way we show love for God is to obey.

Adam and Eve are an example for all to see of this truth. As long as they were totally obedient and totally satisfied in that obedience to God, they dwelt in perfect life in the beautiful garden God made for them. But the moment they disobeyed and chose their own way, death entered the world along with it’s darkness and destruction.

Obeying what God commands is the way to life. In fact, Jesus said He came to give abundant life. (John 10:10) He desires for us to choose His life. (Deuteronomy 30:19-20) The way we choose His life is to obey!

When we choose our own way. We are careless. We show contempt for the things God has told us to do. This only leads to spiritual death.

We are told in this chapter of Proverbs that if we get wisdom, we “love life.” (Verse 8) If we “fear the Lord”, or have reverence for God that gives us a desire to obey Him fully, we will be led “to life … (and) rest content.” We will be “untouched by trouble.” (Verse 23)

Obedience to God is love for God and the way to dwell in love. God’s love is where life is found!

”Whoever keeps commandments keeps their life, but whoever shows contempt for their ways will die.“ Proverbs 19:16 NIV






Who is the Lord? — Reflections on Proverbs 14 and the Fear of the Lord

“Pharaoh said, “Who is the LORD, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD…” Exodus 5:2

“Who is the Lord that I should obey Him?” This is the disposition of heart that many have. It springs from the truth Pharaoh spoke about himself, “I do not know the Lord.” Simply put… Pharaoh did not fear the Lord. Many in our time do not fear the Lord as well.

There is much said in Proverbs about the fear of the Lord. Today’s Proverb talks about why it is so important.

”Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.“ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The fear of the Lord is a “secure fortress… a refuge…a fountain of life.”

When we fear the Lord, we have a reverential awe of Him. This comes from a just view of Him. We see Him rightly. If we truly see Him for who He is, we will love Him. Then we will hate sin and aim for perfect obedience. We will not want anything to separate us from such a great and awesome God. (Websters 1828 Dictionary)

When we see God rightly, we know that we are secure in Him. He is our fortress. We know that our God is the place we can hide away and can experience His protection and provision because He is the greatest love. He is always working for our good!

As we shun evil or love God/Hate sin, we will know Him as the “fountain of life.” Because sin destroys and causes nothing but death, darkness, and destruction in our lives.

Pharaoh missed so much because he refused to know God for who He is and worship Him. We will miss so much as well if we refuse Him.

To Know God
Is to
Love God
Is to
Trust God
Is to
Obey God

May we come to a greater understanding of what it is to fear the Lord and to walk in His ways!

Folly’s House of Death— Reflections on Proverbs 9

Folly calls out. She invites the simple and the ones who lack sense to come into her house. But who is she? Folly is sinful acts, living contrary to God’s laws. Solomon warns his son that her guests are “deep in the realm of the dead.” In other words, sin is always calling out to us and enticing us. When we follow after sin, we are foolish because sin ALWAYS ends in death, darkness, and destruction.

But there is a different path that leads to a life of abundance. It is Wisdom’s path of “the fear of the Lord.”

For years I looked at the phrase of “the fear of the Lord” in a negative light. But in truth it is the most positive way to live. To fear the Lord is to see God rightly— He is Holy, Just, All Powerful, All Knowing, Everywhere. He is also perfect Love. He loved us first so that we could love Him and He desires for us to be what He intended for us all along — His image bearers. Seeing Him as such leads us to desire to hate/ shun evil and to aim to obey Him perfectly.

When we come to God with desire to totally obey, totally submit, and totally depend on Him, He empowers us to live lives free of sin, free of folly.

We do not have to go down the path to folly’s house.

We can live free in the fear of the Lord!

The Fear of the Lord – Reflections on Proverbs 1

Success… we all desire to have it.

King Solomon was the most successful King of the Bible. He amassed wealth and had great wisdom. God gave these to him because he had a heart that desired wisdom above all. Proverbs is a book full of wisdom that Solomon wrote about. The principles within are principles of success.

Solomon begins his book of Proverbs with the key ingredient to a successful life, “the fear of the Lord.”

The fear of the Lord is defined as a reverential awe of God that springs from a just view and genuine love for Him. The fear of the Lord leads us to hate/ shun evil. It leads us to aim for perfect obedience of God. Solomon writes:

”The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.“

Proverbs 1:7 NIV

When we see God rightly, (He is all powerful, all knowing, always present. He is Holy. He is just…) we want to love Him and obey Him. When we see God rightly, we want to run from sin.

Proverbs 1 says “fools despise” this wisdom. They “hate knowledge” and they do not “choose to fear the Lord.” (Verse 1:29)

We have started a New Year. Newness always brings about hope for success. The recipe for success is spelled out clearly in Proverbs 1:

CHOOSE TO FEAR THE LORD. See God for who He is. Love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. And Hate Sin —have nothing to do with it. Run from it! Repent of it! Ask God to set you free from it!

Success in the New Year will only come as you choose to Fear the Lord!