Steadfast – In the Face of Giants (Written for WOW)

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV

My youngest son, Andy, played tackle football when he was in the sixth grade. He played an offensive position of defending the quarterback. At one of his first games, he walked out onto the field and came face to face with what seemed to be a giant-sized sixth grade boy. This player was about a foot taller and a foot wider than Andy. He made my son look small. In fact, after seeing the player from the bleachers, I thought, “That kid is going to squash my baby!” However, when the play began, Andy gave himself fully to playing his position. He braced himself and pushed back against the force of that player. He was unwavering and immovable. He did not allow anyone to touch the quarterback he was guarding. Much to my amazement and relief, Andy stood firm in his purpose of keeping the player from advancing, and his team won! 

The focus word of our WOW verses this month is steadfast. The definition of steadfast is to have firmness of mind or purpose, to be constant in pursuing a purpose, unwavering, fixed, and steady. In our verse this week, Paul instructs believers to “stand firm” and “let nothing move you.” Our enemies – the flesh, the world, and the devil – are ruthless giants constantly coming against us to move us away from our relationship of oneness with God. They work relentlessly to get us to waver in our thoughts and purpose, to lose our sure footing in truth and righteousness, and fall into sin. Their aim and goal is to “squash” us with death, darkness, and destruction! 

Just like Andy, we need to remain fixed and immovable against what many times appears to be a bigger foe. We must remain steadfast against our spiritual enemies who want to take us down. To remain steadfast, we must know God and maintain the relationship of oneness with Him. We must know the Word of God and allow its truth to penetrate our minds and hearts so that when a lie comes in, we detect it immediately and stand firmly against it. We must be constant in pursuing communication with God. We must pray “at all times and on every occasion” (Ephesians 6:18).  And we must suit up!  As Andy put on his helmet and pads, we, too, must put on our spiritual armor and take our “stand against the devil’s schemes.” We must not let our enemies move us from trusting in God and giving ourselves “fully to the work of the Lord” being fully assured that our “labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 

Do you find yourself standing toe to toe with a giant? Has your enemy come to you using his playbook of schemes and temptations that include unbelief, selfishness, worry, fear, anxiety, and/or anger? The enemy of your soul wants to render you useless in the work of the Lord. If he can accomplish this, he knows that you will never be and do what God created you to be and do – be His image bearer and go forth into the world and make Him known. The Word of God says, “let nothing move you” from the work God created in advance for you to do in Christ Jesus.  It requires a steadfast spirit!  

This week’s song is “In Christ Alone” by Passion Kristian Stanfill.  May the lyrics be a reminder to stand steadfastly with our faith in Jesus and His Word alone!  He alone is our victory! 


Janet Nelson, Devoted and Determined

“Be Alert and of Sober Mind” — Prayer (Devotion Written for WOW Ministry)

“The end of all things is near. Therefore, be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” 1 Peter 4:7 NIV

When I was little, I was a daddy’s girl. There was nothing that I loved more than spending time with my dad. I have fond memories of sitting out in his garage watching him work on our family’s car while I would sit there and talk away to him telling him all about my 6-year-old life. I LOVED being with my dad. However, time went on and life changes happened. I still loved him, but I became busy with my friends, my activities, and my life. After high school, I moved to a different town. My time with my dad became less and less as well as our conversations. Truth be told I forgot what a joy it was to be with him. The past year things have been different in our relationship. Dad is now 86 and I am 53, our relationship has matured and deepened. Lately, we have engaged in the most wonderful conversations. I’ve asked him questions about his younger years and discovered things about him that I never knew. We’ve talked about memories, both good and bad. We’ve made plans for the future as well. Once again, this daddy’s girl has found what she needed, time with her dad in a close relationship.

This month the verses at WOW are about prayer. Prayer is our connection to God through faith. Prayer is our invitation from God into a deep love relationship of oneness closely attached, connected, inseparable, and indivisible with Him. Prayer develops our relationship with God demonstrating our trust and utter dependence upon Him. You and I are our heavenly Father’s “Daddy’s girl”. God longs for us to spend time with Him, lots of it. Prayer is us spending time with Him engaging in conversation not just occasionally, but throughout our entire day, month, year, and life.

Our WOW verse for this week speaks of the need to “be alert and of sober mind so that you can pray.” Our world around us holds so many distractions that pull us away from relating to God in a life of prayer. Our enemy would like nothing better for us than to focus on all these distractions so that we would not live in a close and intimate relationship with God. His desire is for us to be disconnected from our heavenly Father. He wants to render us useless and to keep us from living fully in that relationship for which we were created. This is why we must be spiritually alert and watchful as we live our daily lives. It is easy to drift away from a close and vibrant relationship with God, as I drifted from the close relationship I had with my earthly dad as a little girl. It is easy to lose focus of why God has invited us to be closely connected with Him in prayer. Especially if we come to God with our thoughts, our wants, our desires, and our ways in mind. If our lives are filled with the self-centeredness of an uncircumcised heart, we will not experience the close relationship of oneness that God desires us to have through prayer. This is why we must “be alert and of sober mind so that ‘we’ may pray.”

As you are reading these words, do you feel the pushing and pulling of the world’s influences trying to keep you from that intimate time of relationship with your heavenly Father as His “Daddy’s girl”? God’s desire is for us to focus attentively on Him and Him alone moment by moment throughout our day. He wants us to experience Him more fully in a living relationship of prayer. May we fix our hearts and our minds on Him so that we can truly be “alert and of sober mind.” May we guard our hearts from anything that would try to influence us and draw us away from God’s life-giving connection to Him, our relationship of oneness with Him through prayer.

This week’s song speaks of a deep and intimate relationship with God that is developed in a lifestyle of prayer. It is “Heart of the Father” by Ryan Ellis. May we know His closeness and love as we experience more and more of Him!

Click here for this week’s song Heart of the Fatherby Ryan Ellis.


Janet Nelson, Devoted and Determined

“Jesus Have It All”

Today is a very special day for me. After many years of being held captive by anxiety and trying many things to get free, God heard my cry for freedom and set me free. After 6 years on anxiety meds, I no longer needed them. Two years ago on this date was my first day of freedom from taking both Prozac and Buspar.

God has worked a change in my life, and for those of you who know me, it may be a bit of a surprise for me to tell you this. Because I have always been active in church and made it no secret that I believed in Jesus. In fact, I have thought throughout my adult years that I was living my life surrendered to God. The truth is In some ways I was, but in many ways I was not.
‘Make no mistake, God wants all of us.

About 5 months prior to taking my last anxiety pill I was at a revival service at my church with Pastor Denbow speaking (October 2021). He was speaking about “syncretism”- trying to mix the gospel with the worlds ways. In that service I realized that I had been trying to mix secular humanist thought and practices, as well as the widely accepted practice of eastern meditation, with the Bible. That does not work! In my love for God, He does not want to compete with me having other “spiritual” lovers — my ways or the worlds. He wants all of me, all of my heart— entirely, totally, and completely given up to Him. This is Teachings that the Bible Study group WOW has helped me to come to understand better and better through the past few years. (God has used WOW tremendously in my life to help me walk in freedom)

At that revival 2 1/2 years ago, I went to the front and repented for the sin I had held in my heart, and told God He could have all of me. On a morning, shortly after that I went to my pill box and heard the Holy Spirit tell me “that is not your inheritance.” I quit one medicine instantly. The other one I weaned off and took my last pill almost 5 months later.

Two years later to this day, I am free! The change in me since that time has been huge. So much so that I have told my friends, “I feel like I have been born again…again.”

Friday night I was talking to my husband, his brother, and my sister in law about this change. I said it almost makes you think about getting baptized again. I didn’t think I needed to since I was baptized as a teenager.
Saturday morning I woke up with the desire to be baptized burning within my heart.

So tonight, I am going to be baptized. I want to publicly declare that I have been changed by Jesus and His power alone. I want to do whatever He tells me to do. Because He is life. And I do not want my way of doing things ever again. They have died. I am raised to new life.

Jesus have it all!

Slave to Sin… Caught in Anxieties Grip — WOW Devotion February 29, 2024

I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations. Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness. When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.”  
Romans‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬-‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

For several years, I lived my life subjected to the cruel taskmaster of anxiety. It ruled over my life. Anxiety dictated my daily routine: Get out of bed. Take your first anxiety pill of the day: Do your daily exercise of Eastern Meditation on Headspace. Now start your day. Throughout the day anxiety would exercise its control over my feelings and emotions. Time to do breathing techniques, practice mindfulness, engage in the 5,4,3,2,1 method, then repeat. Often, I could not shake the feelings of a tight throat and a tight chest. Then it was time for my evening anxiety pill. I crawled into bed. I hoped for a night free of an anxious awakening at 2 am, lying awake for hours, and experiencing what I did in the day. This scenario was repeated day after day, night after night. I was a slave to my sin of anxiety. I was subject to its control, and it was producing death, darkness, and destruction inside of me.

Our verses this week are once again about holiness. This holiness is a benefit as we live our lives as “slaves to righteousness.” It is a life of freedom from sin as we live our lives set apart for His sacred use – a life of love, faith, holiness, and prayer. In this life, we are “slaves to God,” under His control and His rule. This submission to Him is always for our benefit, because He is a good Lord and Master. Being His slave results in more than holiness. Through it we experience “eternal life.”

Three years ago, I learned that we were created to serve someone. The words of this verse were proved true in my life. I came to understand that I had a choice. I could continue to “offer the parts of my body in slavery to impurity and ever-increasing wickedness” that the sin of anxiety was producing, or I could become a “slave to God.” I would either serve an evil master of sin or our loving and Holy God. I could not serve them both. I had to choose. This is the truth for each and every one of us. To not choose God is to choose the enemy.

God is holy. He is perfectly and impeccably pure, completely immaculate, and uncompromisingly righteous and just. He desires for us to be in relationship with Him, but in order for us to be close to Him, we must be holy as He is holy. To do so, we must “offer ourselves as slaves to righteousness.” The benefit we receive is a pure heart and freedom from sin and sinful affections, conformed to the image of God. We will be holy and the “result will be eternal life” with Him.

As you have read the words above, have you become aware that you are a “slave to impurity?”  Is there an addiction or a sin that keeps you from experiencing a close relationship with God and the freedom from sin that He alone gives? God desires for us to live our lives surrendered to Him as a “slave to righteousness” that will lead to holiness. He desires us to be close to Him in a relationship of intimacy filled with His goodness, joy, peace, and love. We can only experience this when we live our lives fully surrendered to Him!

Our song this week is once again by Charity Gayle, “Because of Jesus.” Because of what Jesus has done, we can know that we are finally free of the sin that destroys! He has redeemed us and made us holy as He is holy. May our hearts desire to serve Him in complete obedience to His Word. May we live as His “slaves to righteousness” which leads to holiness – holiness in heart and in everything we do!



Everything We Need to Know Him Part 1 — Creation is Speaking

God wants us to know Him. He wants to be close to us. He wants to have an intimate relationship with us. These statements may seem incredible or maybe even impossible when we look around us. How can this God who is so infinitely big desire to know me, one of eight billion people who occupy the planet we live upon? The truth is this God who desires a one on one personal relationship with us has given us everything we could possibly need to know Him, His character, and His love.

Have you taken a few moments to consider creation? King David did thousands of years ago.

”The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun,” Psalms‬ ‭19‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Creation is speaking.

Long ago, God desired to have the perfect home for the people He created. With the most intricate of handiwork He made it for them.

Have you stood in the country and looked high at the black night sky, staring at the stars, considering its vastness? Have you watched the sunrise and been amazed at the explosion of colors as the sky changes from darkness to the clear blue color of the light of day? That is what David did, and he concluded that “the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” God did not create all the wonders of our world on a whim. He created them to “proclaim”. He made them to “reveal knowledge”. But what knowledge do they reveal? Himself.

Go to a mirror and look deeply at the intricacy of your eye. The colors, the function, the different parts. If we could explore it more deeply the cells of your eyes are amazing and they function individually as well as together to make up you! The God of details created you and your eye. He also created the skies we look at using this very eye, and we should stand in wonder. All these tell a story to us.

They tell of a God who is so powerful. We could not stand before Him on our own. The words of His mouth create and have power to destroy as well. They tell of a God so personal that He created, with detail, the tiniest parts of us and knows them well.

God gave us creation so we could know Him. He wants us to stand in awe of how great and wonderful He is. Yet He longs for us to know He has thought of every minute detail of our lives and we are not just one in eight billion, we are His delight.

Creation is proof that He wants us to know Him. In a very small way, creation is like a billboard on a highway declaring a fact about an upcoming attraction. It speaks of what we can encounter if we decide to pursue that course. Creation tells us that God is there, and perhaps if we turn our thoughts toward Him and speak to Him, He will indeed speak back to us!

God wants us to know Him. He’s given us all we need to experience Him. Creation is just one thing that “pours forth speech.” Stop for a moment and listen. He is calling out to you!

Zealous – Reflections on Proverbs 23

”Let not your heart envy sinners, but continue in the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord all the day long. For surely there is a latter end [a future and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off.“ Proverbs 23:17-18 AMPC

There is reward in obedience to God’s commands. The “thirty sayings of the wise” in Proverbs 22-24 list many of them. But the greatest reward is our hope and expectation, Jesus, will be realized. We will know Him! We will be connected to Him and not be cut off from Him.

There is nothing better than to know Jesus and to be connected to Him or in Him.

“Be zealous for the fear of the Lord,” (Proverbs 23: 17 NIV) or pursue passionately knowing God, loving God, and hating sin (i.e. wanting nothing to do with sin.)

The life of reward spoken about in the verses of Proverbs is the fruit of pursuing Wisdom. Jesus is the very Wisdom we pursue!

Live It… Your Children Will Be Blessed- Reflections on Proverbs 20

Practical wisdom, Proverbs offers plenty of it: working with diligence, living in faithfulness, dealing with honesty, avoiding gossip… even warnings of being led astray by wine and beer are just a few of the topics of this chapter.

As I read it, there is a promise that stands out to me summarizing the result of practicing all the practical wisdom the entire book of Proverbs contains:

”The righteous man walks in his integrity; blessed (happy, fortunate, enviable) are his children after him.“
Proverbs 20:7 AMPC

The righteous or Godly man is the man who lives his life set apart to God. The one who obeys what God has commanded in His Word. The promise is that his children will be blessed or happy.

As parents we want what is best for our kids. The BEST thing you can give your kids is to live your life in complete surrender to God and His ways. This comes by learning what it is that He, out of His great love, has commanded in His Word… i.e. study your Bible, and OBEY what it says. This also comes by a relationship with God. We hear Him speak through His Word, and we talk to Him in prayer throughout our day. It is a continual, moment by moment, focus on God.

Long ago, as a young mom, I heard it said, “If you want your kids to love God and know Him, you have to love God yourself. You cannot impart what you Do Not Have!” Simply put, if you want your kids to have the blessings — joy, peace , and happiness of knowing God, you must have a deep relationship with Him as well. Model it in front of them! Your children are following your lead!

“God So Loved” — weekly devotion written for Women on Wednesday’s Ministry

Women on Wednesday’s

(I am the writer for a weekly devotion that goes to the email list of a local ministry. This is this weeks devotion about God’s Divine Love”)

“…Divine love surpasses the love of my parents who sacrificed much for me. It surpasses the love of my husband who knows me and accepts me just the way I am! It surpasses my own love for my four kids who I willingly laid down my wants, my desires, and my plans in order to see them excel and succeed…”

For full devotion click on the link below.

Who is the Lord? — Reflections on Proverbs 14 and the Fear of the Lord

“Pharaoh said, “Who is the LORD, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD…” Exodus 5:2

“Who is the Lord that I should obey Him?” This is the disposition of heart that many have. It springs from the truth Pharaoh spoke about himself, “I do not know the Lord.” Simply put… Pharaoh did not fear the Lord. Many in our time do not fear the Lord as well.

There is much said in Proverbs about the fear of the Lord. Today’s Proverb talks about why it is so important.

”Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.“ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The fear of the Lord is a “secure fortress… a refuge…a fountain of life.”

When we fear the Lord, we have a reverential awe of Him. This comes from a just view of Him. We see Him rightly. If we truly see Him for who He is, we will love Him. Then we will hate sin and aim for perfect obedience. We will not want anything to separate us from such a great and awesome God. (Websters 1828 Dictionary)

When we see God rightly, we know that we are secure in Him. He is our fortress. We know that our God is the place we can hide away and can experience His protection and provision because He is the greatest love. He is always working for our good!

As we shun evil or love God/Hate sin, we will know Him as the “fountain of life.” Because sin destroys and causes nothing but death, darkness, and destruction in our lives.

Pharaoh missed so much because he refused to know God for who He is and worship Him. We will miss so much as well if we refuse Him.

To Know God
Is to
Love God
Is to
Trust God
Is to
Obey God

May we come to a greater understanding of what it is to fear the Lord and to walk in His ways!

Passivity vrs Pursuit – Reflections on Proverbs 2

Knowing someone doesn’t just happen. Today my husband and I celebrate 31 years of marriage. I can confidently say that he knows me better than anyone else on this planet, and I know him as well. But our knowing each other has taken time, commitment, and pursuit. We have to be intentional in our relationship.

Today’s Proverb talks about how we must be intentional with God if we truly want or know Him and to be intimate with Him. It says we must: “accept” His words; “Store up” His commands; “apply” our hearts to understanding; “call out”; “cry aloud”; “ look for it as silver”; “search for it as for hidden treasure”. In short, We Must Pursue!!

If we truly want or understand the fear of the Lord- reverential awe of God because we see Him rightly giving us the desire to Love Him with everything we have and to Hate sin; If we want to “find the knowledge of God” i.e. Know Him…We Must Pursue Him!

We must take time to seek Him and commit ourselves to Him. The benefits of knowing God are endless. In verse 7 and 8 He describes a couple of them, Godly success in our lives and His protection.

”He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.“

Proverbs 2:7-8 NIV

May we commit in this New Year to pursue God and knowing Him!